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User login and logout using PHP - Part 3 of 3 (still maybe 4)


This post and video runs through how to create some logic for searching through a user table in a database, validating the given login credentials, and displaying different results based on the outcome. 

Key concepts covered are the session_start() function of PHP, essentially allowing for the webpage to store data (cookies) about a user, using a counter to help check the login, and then session_destroy() function to logout. 

This bit of code was actually something I thought up, but previous references helped walk me through it. JoyofPHP by Alan Forbes again briefly talks about how, conceptually, to handle some of this, and there are slews of examples on sites like StackOverflow, and W3schools for dealing with sessions and variables.

The bit of javascript code to automatically refresh the page on first load I found from this StackOverflow post. The site is a wealth of knowledge with contributors from all over the world helping to solve each others coding roadblocks. Something anyone who even wants to just start to learn will find useful, and Google results often reference it.

Note: Mentioned in the first post, this tutorial doesn't include a security portion, but should one be considering a live website including SSL/TLS will be critical before doing anything like a user login with sensitive information. At the very least purchase a valid certificate, create your own if its an internal site/system, or run Let's Encrypt on the site.

I hope all of this will be helpful, and provide a good starting place for future development and learning.

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