What are we doing here?

This blog includes a series of videos and references to help new users or enthusiasts better understand how to use open source and free technology tools. The quick links includes more information for accessing many of the tools covered along with other references to learn more for taking advantage of these tools.

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Using Nextcloud and WebDAV as a backup target


This video explores the built-in WebDAV feature of Nextcloud for backing up and sync'ing files from a local client to a Nextcloud instance. There are a couple of reasons why users or organizations may want to implement this feature.

- Nextcloud's own user management makes it very straightforward to separate our different user profiles, authentication, and also data quotas. This means it's very simple to deploy Nextcloud and automate employee data back ups on the network with automated back ups of say 30GB or 100GB per user.

- Using the WebDAV protocol can be more efficient than uploading lots of files to the web interface. 

- The Nextcloud desktop client also perform the same task, and also uses the WebDAV protocol. More information about the client tool is here: https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/latest/

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